
Lazarev-Pargolovsky Vasily Vladimirovich

Lazarev-Pargolovsky Vasily Vladimirovich RUS version

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Lazarev-Pargolovsky, Vasily Vladimirovich (born March 13 , 1965, Yuzhnouralsk) —A Teacher Senior category, teaching experience-24 years (2020), a researcher and a popularizer of table games, a historian of table hockey.A WTHA European table hockey champion (2010, Sinisha, Slovakia). One of the founders of the first Russian children's table hockey school "Mask".



Vasily Lazarev Pargolovsky


Personal information







Full name Lazarev-Pargolovsky,



Vasily Vladimirovich






Participation in the organization of


A country



table hockey tournaments



Date of


March 13, 1965 

Participation in the WTHA World and


European Championships








Place of


: Yuzhnouralsk, USSR





Sports from 1989 to the present

Popular science bibliography




of fiction

Awards and medals




the European Championships


On resources


Sinisha 2010 team category

At the interview

As an interviewer




He was born on March 13, 1965 in Yuzhnouralsk in the family of a military pilot who served a cosmonaut squad. In 1984, he graduated from the Leningrad Physical and Mechanical technical School named after Zverev with a degree in optics. Since 1996, he has been working as a journalist in such sports publications as "Sport newspaper" , "Petersburg sports and tourist" , as well as  a Deputy chief editor of the youth newspaper "Red and White" ( 1996 - 2001 ). In 2012, he graduated from Institute of Special Pedagogy and Psychology, where he defended his University degree on the topic “ History of table hockey as a sport ". In 2012  he entered the Russian Christian Humanitarian Academy to the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology and religious Studies and began publishing his books with the support of the media "Philosophy and the Circus" (Certificate EL no.FS 77-51405). In 2014 he graduated from the master's program , and in 2020 he completed his post-graduate studies at the RCYA.


He became interested in table hockey in 1972, after watching the SUPER series-72 of the USSR - Canada. He was a member of the Council of the first public organization in the USSR to develop table hockey.[1][2][3][4] One of the founders of the Leningrad social Fund, the first registration was on the eighth of August 1989. In 2002, in Stockholm, he met Goran Agdur (Sweden), the author of the "Table hockey Bible" (1988), under the influence of his ideas and the worldview of David Parlett (great Britain), expressed in the book "The Oxford history of table games" (1999)[5], he became interested in the evolution of Board games and their place among other sports. The result was the writing of several works: "An entertaining history of table hockey»[6] and " Encyclopedia of table hockey»[7].

Representative in Russia of the world Table Hockey Association (WTHA) , since 2005.

He is engaged in local history of the Northern environs of St. Petersburg. Developing the ideas of the founders of Russian fantasy : Mikhail Chulkov ( 1743 - 1792 ) , Vasily Levshin (1746-1826 ), Mikhail Popov ( 1742 - 1790), who called the settlements on the Neva Islands Veneta , published 46 novels in Newspapers ( 1996 - 2001), where he called Pargolovo the island of Pargolovskaya Atlantis . He continued his research on the legends and myths of Ingermanland in the master's thesis "Entertaining Eurasianism" (2014) and in postgraduate studiesl. Then Elena Alexandrova in her books "Rus Island in the Littorino sea" ( 2002 ) and "Northern surroundings of St. Petersburg" ( 2008 ) proved the existence of the island in these places from a scientific point of view and gave the IMU the name Rus.

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The WTHA European WTHA table hockey champion (2010, Sinisha, Slovakia). His coaching experience is more than 20 years.He has prepared many participants of the ITHF and WTHA World and European Championships.He is the Sports coach of  the 5-time WTHA European Champion Kristina Kazatskaya, the four-time ITHF world table hockey champion Alexia Belavina, and  the ITHF world champion Andrey Voskoboinikov.

On September 18, 2020, V. Lazarev-Pargolovsky took the 3rd place in the nomination involving youth in sports of Saint Petersburg, the all-Russian Competition for the best employee of the state youth policy of the Ministry of sports and tourism of Russia[8][9].

Participation in the organization of table hockey tournaments

The North-West championship (since 2001)

The North-West Cup (since 2001)

BTH Russia Open WTHA (c 2005)

AIR Russia Open WTHA (c 2006)


Participation in WTHA World and European Championships

2004 - The World Championship, Ostrava (Czech Republic ) participation in the preparation of the national team

2005 - The European Championship, Marienberg ( Germany ) participation in the preparation of the national team

2006 - The European championship, Czyzowica (Poland) individual and team categories

2007 - The European championship, Barcelona (Spain ) individual and team categories

2008 – The World Championship, Most (Czech Republic ) participation in the preparation of the national team

2009 - The European championship, Wodzislaw (Poland ) individual and team categories

2010 - The European championship, Sinisha (Slovakia) individual and team categories

2011 - The European championship, SPb (Russia ) individual and team categories

2012 - The World championship, Wodzislaw (Poland) individual and team categories

2014 – The European championship, Krakow (Poland) individual and team categories

2016 –The World championship, Most (Czech Republic) individual and team categories

2018 - The European Championship, Sinisha (Slovakia ) participation in the preparation of the national team

2020 - The World Cup, Brno (Czech Republic ) . The tournament was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.


"Board games cannot be attributed not to winter, not to summer sports. They are a separate realm of games. The Egyptian Toth won for them 5 days playing Senet. 180 days left for winter and 180 days left for summer sports." "A philosophical riddle. Is it possible to consider the game with the object of two kittens on the table as table hockey? This is aporia, Achilles will never catch up with the tortoise. Therefore, do not rush to answer. The individual is not yet separated from the whole, and many Board games are similar to each other. Games for fine motor skills of a Person have a multi-thousand-year prehistory. K. E. Fabri proposed to consider the game as a developmental activity that covers most functional areas. Game is a set of specifically preadult manifestations of the General process of behavior development in the ontogenesis of animals, it is an adult behavior in the process of its formation. Studies on fine motor skills show that human games have served for many millennia for the development of the brain and fine motor skills of the forelimbs. Everyone has their own projection in the brain, called the Penfield Homunculus. The projection changes under the influence of signals that come from a point in the brain that was discovered in 1948 by the physiologist Nikolai Bernstein . This point coordinates information coming to the brain from the five senses, and is directly related to fine motor skills."

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Entertaining history of table hockey .Saint Petersburg, FtC (Federal testing Center), 2012. ISBN 978-5-600-00063-6


Popular science bibliography

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Entertaining history of table hockey. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2012. ISBN 978-5-600-00063-6

Lazarev-Pargolovskaya V. Zirconate.Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2012. ISBN 978-5-600-00015-5

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Jokes Of Pargolovsky Fools .Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2012 . ISBN 978-5-600-00043-8

Lazarev-Pargolovskaya V. The Futurology Of Eurasianism. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2013. ISBN 978-5-600-00084-1

 Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Symbolism of Europe and Eurasia. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2013. ISBN 978-5-600-00085-8

 Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Entertaining Eurasianism. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2013. ISBN 978-5-600-00086-5

 Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Sportive Eurasianism. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2013 . ISBN 978-5-600-00087-2

Lazarev-Pargolovskaya V. Navire: Science, philosophy and religion. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2014. ISBN 978-5-600-00616-4

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Cosmism +: The Fermi Paradox. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2014. ISBN 978-5-600-00619-5

 Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. The Aegean Atlantis. Egeida. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2015. ISBN 978-5-9906872-1-9

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. encyclopedia of table hockey. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2015. ISBN 978-5-9906872-4-0

Lazarev-Pargolovskaya V. Dactyloscopy. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2017 . ISBN 978-5-9906872-7-1

Bibliography of fiction

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. The Magic Country. Revival. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2018 . ISBN 978-5-9906872-8-8

Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Mythology of the Magical land of Oz. Storybook. Saint Petersburg, FtC, 2019. ISBN 978-5-9906872-9-5


On resources

Lord Stanley, Soviet style / Goal, volume XVIII, December 1990 . USA

  • Lord Stanley and did not suspect / Sport, Man, Time, No. 9 (59 ) of 05.03.1992

 News from Russia / All the Bruins news, vol 5, No. 8 apr 1992. USA

Everything is like in big hockey / SPb Vedomosti, June 11, 1992

Peace and Charity House is seeking for partners / International Teacher № 2 Oct. 2000. Denmark

Article in the encyclopedia Shace.info (https://cosmozz.info/obshchestvo/kultura/tvorchestvo/pisateli/9-lazar


For an interview

Interview of V. Lazarev-Pargolovsky to popular resource (2011) (https://www.raha.ru/%D0%BD%D 0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/611--)

Continuation of the interview with V. Lazarev-Pargolovsky (2011) (https://www.morio.ru/%D1%80%D0%B0% D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B5/641---)

Logical thinking and fine motor skills, interview on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Au DLEScP7RM) (2020)

An interview with storyteller Vasily Lazarev - Pargolovsky for Space.info ( 28.08.2020) (https://cosm>



As an interviewer

2. Interview of storyteller Yuri Kuznetsov for Kosmos.info ( 23.08.2020) (https://cosmozz.info/mifologi



6. Interview of the storyteller Daniil Alekseev for the 100th anniversary    of L. V. Vladimirsky for Kosmos.info (

19.09.2020 ) (https://cosmozz.info/mifologiya/skazki/volshebnaya-strana-oz/letopistsy-strany-oz/daniil-aleksee v/4183-intervyu-admina-skazochnika-danila-alekseeva-dlya-kosmos-info-05-09-2020.html)


  1. Decision of the Executive Committee of the Vyborg district Council of people's deputies
    • 290 of 10.08.1989 on registration of the Charter of the Amateur Association table hockey fans Club
  1. Kirill Legkov. Lord Stanley had no idea //Weekly Magazine " Sport, Man, Time "
    • 9(59) from 5.03.1992
  1. Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. The Silver dream of table hockey // Sports newspaper,
    • 10 1992, Russia
  1. Dmitry Arkatovsky Professional sport on the scale of toy hockey / / Delovoy Peterburg, Wednesday, November 17, 1993
  1. David Parlett The Oxford History of Board Games. Oxford Press,1999. ISBN 0-19-212998-8
  1. Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Entertaining history of table hockey. Saint Petersburg, FtC ,2012 . ISBN 978-5-600-00063-6
  1. Lazarev-Pargolovsky V. Encyclopedia of table hockey. Saint Petersburg, FtC , 2015. ISBN 978-5-9906872-4-0
  1. TV Saint Petersburg.The best employees of the state youth policy sphere were awarded in St. Petersburg (https://topspb.tv/news/2020/09/18/v-peterburge-nagr adili-luchshih-rabotnikov-sfery-gosudarstvennoj-moldezhnoj-politiki/)
  2. The third place with table hockey stolnye-igry/melkaya-motorika/nastolnyj-khokkej/4182-trete-mesto-s-nastolnym-khokkeem.html)